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Hi, welcome to our blog site, E-Commerce-Sorority12. We are students from bachelor of commerce (hons) accounting and would like to give you a brief introduction on this blog. This blog is specially made to touch on the subject E-Commerce whereby we will be posting some interesting articles regarding this subject. Feel free to visit our blog site and you are most welcome to leave a comment. Thank you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Self Introduction : Ee Zhir Yinn

Hi everyone, my name is Ee Zhir Yinn or you can call me Besty. I am turning 21 this November. I am originally from Banting, Selangor but currently living in Sungai Long, Kajang because I am studying in UTAR.

Well, most of the times I will play instruments like piano, or guitar. My favorite instrument is piano and it is also one of my favorite hobbies. Other than that, I also enjoy spending my free time with my buddies for high tea session or chat with them on Saturday nights.

Apart from what I’ve mentioned above, I spend my spare time surfing the internet too. Out of the thousand million web sites available in the internet, the top five web sites that I frequently visited most would be Google, MSN, E-Bay, UTAR and Facebook. Google is the most helpful website to gather information and typically to be used at the time where we want to do some research for our assignment. MSN is the place where I would usuallyuse it to check my e-mail and transferring assignment information to my teammate. For E-Bay website, I would use it when I am interested in buying accessories and digital media and it is also the best place to do some research regarding the quota of the goods. As for UTAR website, it is the place where every UTAR student must access into it to check whether there are any latest information updated by lecturers and DSA officers. Lastly, Facebook is the top ranking website among teenagers; it is the largest online social network directory that I use to chat with my friends around the world and keep in touch with my buddy.

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