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Hi, welcome to our blog site, E-Commerce-Sorority12. We are students from bachelor of commerce (hons) accounting and would like to give you a brief introduction on this blog. This blog is specially made to touch on the subject E-Commerce whereby we will be posting some interesting articles regarding this subject. Feel free to visit our blog site and you are most welcome to leave a comment. Thank you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Self Introduction : Ee Zhir Yinn

Hi everyone, my name is Ee Zhir Yinn or you can call me Besty. I am turning 21 this November. I am originally from Banting, Selangor but currently living in Sungai Long, Kajang because I am studying in UTAR.

Well, most of the times I will play instruments like piano, or guitar. My favorite instrument is piano and it is also one of my favorite hobbies. Other than that, I also enjoy spending my free time with my buddies for high tea session or chat with them on Saturday nights.

Apart from what I’ve mentioned above, I spend my spare time surfing the internet too. Out of the thousand million web sites available in the internet, the top five web sites that I frequently visited most would be Google, MSN, E-Bay, UTAR and Facebook. Google is the most helpful website to gather information and typically to be used at the time where we want to do some research for our assignment. MSN is the place where I would usuallyuse it to check my e-mail and transferring assignment information to my teammate. For E-Bay website, I would use it when I am interested in buying accessories and digital media and it is also the best place to do some research regarding the quota of the goods. As for UTAR website, it is the place where every UTAR student must access into it to check whether there are any latest information updated by lecturers and DSA officers. Lastly, Facebook is the top ranking website among teenagers; it is the largest online social network directory that I use to chat with my friends around the world and keep in touch with my buddy.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Self Introduction : Chee Sue Yee

My name is Chee Sue Yee. I am 20, going 21 this November. I live in Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur. I am the eldest in my family.I have a younger brother and a sister. Basically my life is rather simple. I study, surf the net occasionally, watch TV , listen to music, sing whenever i am bored and most of all, shop like every other typical girl.

Well, almost everybody has some kind of hobby and it means a lot to me because it allows me to relax and divert my mind off from my studies for awhile as life in university can be quite hectic and stressful. I have lots of hobbies but currently, one of my favourite one would be listening to music. I am very fond of music. Whenever i am free, I would often listen to my favourite songs from my mp3 and sing along. Of the famous pop singers, I prefer Whitney Housten and as for R&B, it would be Rihanna and Leona Lewis.

Being a University student nowadays, we are required to be tech savvy to stay in touch with the ever developing world. The top 5 web sites that I visited most would be Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Facebook, and Hotmail. Yahoo and Google is the place where i would use it to do research for some of my assignments. I tend to visit Google more as it is currently the top search engine. I even have it as my homepage. YouTube is a video sharing website where I could actually watch some of the latest official music videos and videos uploaded by my friends. Hotmail is the place where I check my mails, as for Facebook; it is one of the free-access social networking website which allows me to interact and stay connected with my formal and current classmates.

self-introduction: Tan Jing Yang

My name is Tan Jing Yang or you can call me Catherine. My 21st birthday falls in October. I am studying in University Tunku Abdul Rahman and now living in Cypress Condominium at Bandar Sungai Long, Kajang. My hometown is in Kuching,Sarawak. I have 2 elder sisters and 1 younger sister. I have a simple life.Usually during my leisure time, I will go online, swimming, study, watch TV , listening to music, sing and also shopping. Sometimes, I also play badminton with my housemates.

Everybody has their own hobby including me. Usually, when exam is coming; I will go for a swim or karaoke to release my stress. I also enjoy cooking a lot. During semester break, i will cook for my family; otherwise i will visit my aunt in Seremban especially weekends.

The top 5 web sites that I visited most would be Friendster, Facebook,Google, Hotmail/MSN and WBLE. I use Friendster and Facebook to keep in touch with my hometown primary and secondary school friends and also my current classmates. I usually use Google to do research for my assignment. I will use the search engine at the top left corner of the Window Internet Explorer. This way is a lot easier for me than going to the Google website. Hotmail is the place where I can check and send emails. I use MSN to chat with my friends and family and also transfer file to my teammates. Lastly, i will access into WBLE to check for new updates such as lecture notes or any messages that lecturers want to inform us.

Self Introduction: Tan Yoke Tieng

My name is Yoke Tieng, but my friends used to call me Joyce. I am currently 21 years old and will be 22 this coming August. I lived in a Setiawan, Perak. Basically, I am a happy go lucky person, friendly, love to share, enjoy delicious food and also a humorous person.

I consider myself as a normal kid, but I also think that some of my interests are unique. For the past 10 years, my life has been revolved around singing. I started ever since I was 3 years old and became obsessed with it. I have joined many singing competitions and have gained a lot of experience from it, plus it also improves my singing skills. Singing has become part of my life. It is one of the best stress remedy for me.

Besides singing, I also surf the internet occasionally. The top 5 web sites that I visited most are Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Hotmail and Metoto. I managed to obtain a lot of useful information from Google and Yahoo for assignment and study purposes. I also use it to read daily news. Facebook is very meaningful and useful to me because it allows me to stay connected with my friends. On the other hand, Metoto is a new and interesting website where I can sing song through the net. I can receive a lot of comments from those who have listened to my singing.

So, as my final year of university is approaching with more speed. I am trying to prepare myself for another year of learning and expecting the best year to come. I hope I can handle the stress of my school work, activities and balance them with social life.