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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

E-Government in Malaysia:Its Implementation So Far and Citizen's Adoption Strategy

What is E-Government? Electronic government in short is also known as "E-Government:; "e-gov"; "digital government" or "transformational government". It refers to the information and communication technology. It designed to lead the country into information and to improve goverment services, transactions, businesses, conveniences, accessibility and as well as information flows and the processes within the government.

The government had been implementing E-government ever since the initiation of Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC). Most of the e-government projects implementation are still in progress. So far, the implementation of e-government in Malaysia includes:

Generic Office Environment(GOE)
The purpose of this project is to establish a fully integrated, distributed and scalable office environment that uses multimedia information technology. This can increase the efficiency of communication, allow collaboration within the workers and make sure the right information reaches to the right person at the appropriate time.

Electronic Procurement(eP) project
The purpose of this project is to re engineer, automate and transform current procurement system. The advantages of this project is can increase transparency, saves time and money. Besides, it also encourages suppliers to go electronic and join the K-Economy. eP project includes central contract, tender and direct purchase.

Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)
The Human Resource Management Information System main objective is to provide a single interface for government employees so that they can carry out human resource functions effectively and efficiently. Besides, HRMIS also provides transactional functions that include loan processing, recruitment, selection of employee, leave application and competency management. The advantages of HRMIS are to aid human resource processes for federal state, statutory body and local authority services. Project Monitoring System (PMS) Project Monitoring System is use to examine or monitor implementation of projects from different government agencies and statutory bodies. It monitors from high level management down to activity levels. One of the usefulness of PMS is the ability to provide ideas and to express best practices of information management and communication services.

Electronic Services Directory (eServices)
Electronic Services Directory is a pilot project which allows citizens of Malaysia to engage in transactions with government and utilities payments. This includes telephone and electricity bill, police summons, Road and Transport Department (RTD) services and so on. This project is accessed through a lot of different channel service deliver.

Electronic Labor Exchange (ELX)
By using the systematic matching of job seekers to job vacancies, it can improve the mobilization of human resources and maximize the work force utilization. It also allows the Ministry of Human Resources to put up the information to the public. E-Syariah The purpose of this project is to help to improve the quality of services offered by Syariah courts. This will automatically improve the Islamic Affairs Department’s effectiveness because of the good monitoring and coordination of agencies.

Citizen’s adoption strategies
Citizen’s adoption strategies include customer satisfaction, service quality, website design and user characteristic. E-government has this online service that allows identify citizen to express their opinions regarding the content of the website, speed, etc. As for the web design, the main three features must be included; which are personalization websites, product customization and self care. For user characteristic, it includes perceived risk, perceived control and internet experience. The adoptions of these strategies have gained confidence among citizens towards the implementation of E-Government.

There are several advantages of using E-government. First of all, it provides efficient and fast delivery time of goods and services to citizens; besides it also provides convenience and is able to provide cost effectiveness to citizens and businesses. However, there is one common issue that we often concern about. It is the security of the citizen’s personal information when using E- government. This is the main factor that often stops people from involving in such activities even though the benefits of using it over weigh the setbacks. Therefore, the first step to encourage citizen to participate in E-government; Government should create tighter and more efficient security system.

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