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Monday, July 6, 2009

An Example of an E-Commerce Success and its Causes

There are many successful E-commerce websites and one of them is Amazon.com.

Amazon.com is an American-based multinational electronic commerce company in Seattle. It was first launched in 1995 by Jeffrey Bezos and is the largest online retailer in the internet world. At first, Amazon sells books but it started to diversify its sales by selling DVD, CDs, mp3s, computer software, video games, furniture, food, toys and others.

Why Amazon.com so successful?
This is because :

1. Jeffrey Bezos is a smart and brilliant person who knows where to get the sources (business capital) and has been putting a lot of efforts to advertise his business in an attractive and creative way so that his business is known to all over the world. Amazon has put up its own advertisement into at least 28,000 other websites. The reason for such strategy is to ensure that everyone across the globe gets to know of the existence of its company and also to attract people to buy their products.

2. Amazon also offers fairly reasonable prices for customers. So, the question is; how did Amazon make it through? Well, the company has been by putting a whole lot of efforts to mend relationship with the suppliers by interacting and negotiating with other sellers to reduce cost and therefore, they are able to offer the lowest price to their customer. Although they offer low prices but Amazon is also concern on the quality of their products. They often ensure that their quality is compatible with other competitors.

3. When dealing with customers, Amazon always puts customer needs in the first place. This is one of the many reasons why Amazon.com is one of the top of e-commerce companies. In order to penetrate into their local market successfully, the company has adopted the strategy of employing local employees. The reason behind it, well of course is that these employees tend to know the demand of the potential local customers better.

4. To maintain customer royalty, Amazon provides good customer services, such as easy search, customize option, email confirmation and always add more useful information related to all products. Besides, it also provides safe, convenient and reliable payment system to customer that is Amazon Flexible Payments Service (FPS). Customer will be kept informed of the transaction processing system. It also provides guarantees and adopting return policy.

5. Another secret of staying successful is that Amazon takes customer feedbacks rather seriously. The company tends to collect all feedbacks from customers, analyze it and then improve their weaknesses whenever necessary.

6. Amazon teams are practically small and well organized. Each of the team is given the appropriate level of authorities or powers to resolve incoming issues. For example, Amazon creates a team to identify the unique phrases in the book. This team has separate service interface with the appropriate features and authorities.

7. Amazon also hires a Bob. A bob is someone who knows their stuff, has excellent debugging skills and system knowledge and most important is they have the stones to deal with the worst high pressure problems.
From most e-commerce web sites that we have came across, including Amazon.com; prices are often only in US dollars. This thus ended up causing us to not being able to know the actual prices precisely in accordance to our country’s currency. Therefore, we suggest that it would be better if Amazon.com could actually create a system that allows users to convert the currency accordingly.

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